Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Baby Leah

Yesterday, I had a doctors appointment and Paul had the day off so he was able to come with me. The appointment went pretty well, I had to drink that nasty glucose drink to check if I have Gestational diabetes. The drink was so gross. After they drew my blood the nurse checked my weight{worst part of the doctors appointment; I already feel HUGE and the last thing I wanna know is how much I weigh}and then the nurse took my blood pressure. As the nurse was taking my blood pressure, I was thinking to myself she is going to comment on how well my blood pressure is. Well, I was WRONG. She said," Oh this high." I guess the Lord was trying to humble me. So I go back into the room with Paul to wait for the doctor to come in. There are 5 different doctors and so far I have only met 2 out of the 5 and so far they are awesome! Anyways, the doctor comes in and we talk for a little bit and then he starts measuring my stomach and then checks Leah's heartbeat. When the doctor started checking her heartbeat, she kicked me so hard, I don't think she liked it. Good news: she has a strong and healthy heartbeat and is measuring normally! Okay news: my blood pressure is a little high then normal so the doctor wants me to come in 2 weeks to check it out. He also said, that if it stays high then they would want me to deliver a month early, which would be December 10th. He also said, not to worry about it! Ha! I worry about EVERYTHING and now I am worrying about it. I am so grateful for Paul, he tells me everything will be okay and not to worry about and try to relax. Thanks babe:} I know my mom would tell me to have faith and trust in the Lord. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows me and loves me. How blessed I am to have this beautiful knowledge.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Welcome! I finally figured out how to create a blog{thanks Rachael} and so now the pressure is on to keep it updated. This blog is for Paul and I and of course for our families who are far away.
First off, I want to introduce ourselves. Paul is from Washington State and he comes from a BIG family; he is number 9 out of 10! His mom is a Saint to raise that many children! Paul served his mission in South Korea and loved it! Paul is majoring in Athletic Training at BYU and is also minoring in Korean. Paul was on the BYU Track team where he did Pole Volting and was a sprinter. He is very athletic and very smart!
Jenn- I grew up in Chandler/Gilbert, Arizona and I come from a big family,[well I thought it was big until I met Paul's family} 6 kids. I am the youngest and I will have to say that I was pretty spoiled:} I graduated from high school in 2009 and
I also graduated from Cosmetology school. In February 2010, I moved to Provo and was roommates with my cousin and her friends. Moving up to Provo was a huge blessing because that's when I met my WONDERFUL husband Paul. My roommate Emma grew up with Paul and one night they were talking on Facebook and long story short she told him he should take me out on a date. Well, he did and after that first date we spent every day together{except for one day}and we both knew that we love each other and never wanted to be apart. We started dating October 12th 2011 and got engaged November 26th 2011. We were sealed for Time and Eternity in the Mesa, Arizona Temple on Febuary19th, 2011. What a beautiful and important day that was for us. Then in May we got the great news that I was pregnant! We are having a girl in January:} Paul and I are so excited to have Leah in our family!